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Familiar Stables
Heading out on your adventure? Well, we couldn't possibly let you go it alone! Here, take one of the familiars from our stables. They'll help you out!
I bet you're wondering: What is a familiar, exactly? A familiar is a creature that binds to your heart. It changes and grows with you, and each one is unique to its adventurer. All of the creatures here are fairly simple, but I look forward to seeing what sort of thing comes back with you each time!
Once you pick one of the creatures from these stables, let a mod know and it'll appear on your profile. EXP gained while doing quests and challenges will allow you to ask for upgrades, such as a change to the creature's colors or abilities! Once you draw the creature's reference with the new additions, they'll remain! For a full list of additions and the EXP needed for them, click here
Are you ready to get started?
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